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🚀 Trending Post: Understanding Microservices Architecture!

  Trending Post: Understanding Microservices Architecture!   🔍 What is Microservices Architecture?   Microservices architecture is a design approach where an application is built as a collection of small, independently deployable services. Each service focuses on a specific business function and communicates with other services via APIs.   Benefits of Microservices:   1. Scalability: Scale services independently based on demand. 2. Flexibility: Choose the best tech stack for each service. 3. Resilience: Isolate failures to individual services. 4. Faster Deployment: Deploy and update services independently. 5. Improved Productivity: Teams can work on different services simultaneously.     Demerits and Challenges:   1. Complexity: Increased complexity in managing multiple services. 2. Data Consistency: Maintaining data consistency across services can be challenging. 3. Network Latency: Increased inter-service communication can lead to latency issues.
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🚀 Enhance Your Code Review Process!

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Google System Design Interview Preparation

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Fixed Size Window Sliding Problems

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How to improve performance of a system?

There are several ways to improve the performance of a system using system design concepts: Caching: Use caching to reduce the response time for frequently accessed data. This can be done at various levels, such as application-level caching, in-memory caching, and CDN caching.   Load balancing: Use load balancing to distribute the workload across multiple servers or nodes. This can help to improve the throughput and reduce response times.   Database optimization: Optimize the database by using indexing, query optimization, and database replication. This can help to improve the database performance and reduce response times.   Sharding : Use database sharding to horizontally partition data across multiple servers or nodes. This can help to improve scalability and reduce response times.   Asynchronous processing: Use asynchronous processing to offload non-critical tasks to background threads or queues. This can help to reduce response times and improve the throughput of the

Database Sharding.

    Database sharding is a technique used in distributed database systems to horizontally partition data across multiple servers or nodes. The goal of sharding is to improve scalability and performance by distributing the data and query load across multiple nodes.   In sharding, data is divided into smaller, more manageable subsets called shards, and each shard is stored on a separate server or node. Each node in the system is responsible for storing and processing a subset of the data. Queries to the database are then distributed across the nodes, with each node processing queries related to its subset of the data.   Benefits of Sharding:   Improved scalability: Sharding allows for horizontal scaling of the database, with additional nodes added to handle increased data and query loads.   Improved performance: Sharding can improve performance by distributing the query load across multiple nodes, reducing the workload on each node.   Cost-effective: Sharding can be mo

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Database replication is the process of creating and maintaining multiple copies of a database in different locations or on different servers. The purpose of replication is to provide redundancy and improve availability and performance of the database.   In database replication, changes made to the primary or master database are replicated to one or more secondary or replica databases in real-time or near-real-time. This process can be done synchronously or asynchronously, and in different topologies such as master-slave or master-master. Replication can be done within the same data center or across geographically dispersed locations.   Advantages of Database Replication:   Improved availability : Database replication provides redundancy and failover capabilities, ensuring that the database remains available even in the event of a hardware or network failure.   Improved performance : Replication can improve database performance by offloading read queries to secondary databases

What is Rate limiter? Advantages of using Rate Limiter? Limitations of Rate limiting?

  A rate limiter is a mechanism used to control the rate at which requests are sent to a server or an API (Application Programming Interface). It is used to prevent abuse, misuse, or excessive use of a system's resources, and to ensure that a system is able to provide consistent and reliable service to its users.   The main advantages of using rate limiting include:  Preventing abuse : Rate limiting can help prevent malicious attacks or excessive use of a system's resources, such as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack or brute force login attempts. Ensuring service availability: By limiting the rate of incoming requests, rate limiting can help ensure that a system is able to provide consistent and reliable service to its users, even during periods of high traffic.   Managing costs: Rate limiting can help manage costs by limiting the use of expensive resources, such as processing power, network bandwidth, or database queries.   However, there are also some limitations